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Having a Baby in the Netherlands-featured

Having a Baby in the Netherlands

Congratulations, you’re pregnant in the Netherlands. You must have heard all kinds of horror stories about giving birth at home, without any kind of pain relief. Luckily, we’re here to tell you that in most cases it’s going to be fine. That said, it never hurts to prepare when having a baby in the Netherlands….

Functional 45 Training Studio Opening

We are super excited to announce the doors are now open at F45 Frederiksplein (Functional 45 training) Studio in Amsterdam, following our highly successful grand opening on Saturday May 19th in which we had a full house and more than 60 people take part in the first two F45 workouts to ever be held in Amsterdam….

4 Reasons to Choose a Holistic Dentist

The rise of organic options has been hard to miss. While choosing organic at the supermarket may be an obvious choice, sitting at your dental clinic may leave you asking questions. What exactly is a holistic dentist? And why should you consider them over a ‘regular’ one? We spoke to holistic Dental Practice de Liefde…

Ask a Dentist a Question

Have a question about dental matters for you or your kids? No sweat, Expat Republic will send your questions to one of the following dental practices and ensure they respond to you!

Vitamin D Deficiency & The Importance of Vitamin D

Home to chilly temperatures, short days and a sky that’s usually covered in a blanket of grey, the sun doesn’t often shine in the Netherlands. Since the sun’s rays are important for the production of vitamin D, deficiencies become a possibility for people residing in a country known for its high rainfall. We spoke to…

the stress of expat parenting

Stressed Out? Rob Lacroix Talks About Stress

Rob Lacroix is a coach and helps people suffering from stress to feel and function better and more effectively. He is a trained coach and an experience expert on stress.   Let’s face it life and work can be complicated. In our busy world it can be difficult to maintain a healthy work life balance. This…

Sleep Disorders-Expat Republic-featured

Sleeping Soundly: Advice from a Sleep Therapist

Sleep. Most of us don’t get enough, and even when we do, it might not be the best quality rest. Busy working and social lives, anxious minds, and overexposure to phone and laptop screens can all play their part in triggering sleeping disorders. If you ever lay awake at night with your mind racing, or…

Expat Republic - Mental Health Tips for Expats-featured

Mental Health Tips for Expats

One in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Some disorders – like depression – can be partially genetic, but our lifestyles can trigger these issues too. We got in touch with Jeanine Souren, a psychologist and head of international affairs at U-center, to talk about how to…