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Better Posture Guide-featured

Why Do YOU Need Better Posture?

We spend most of our lives sitting down. But this sedentary lifestyle can leave us slouching, stiff, and even injured. There are hundreds of reasons why you need better posture, and thankfully, plenty of ways to correct your posture today.

New Coronavirus Measures-featured

May 11th – New Coronavirus Measures In Effect

The Netherlands has been in an intelligent lockdown for about 7 weeks now due to the novel Coronavirus. On Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced new Coronavirus measures which indicate the lockdown which has slowed the Dutch economy may be coming to an end.

[Video] Coronavirus Myths Debunked

Interesting times we are living in, but we don’t need to tell you that! The Coronavirus (COVID-19) seems to be everywhere, bringing typical levels of alarm across the world. Much of this is valid, rooted in medical fact. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths circulating as well.

Tips for keeping your teeth healthy-featured

Daily Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

Regular trips to the dentist are obviously essential for the health of your teeth. But dental repairs can be expensive, even from dentists in the Netherlands. As prevention is better than cure, it is very possible to avoid cavities, tooth decay, gum inflammation, and other such problems altogether. This will, in turn, reduce those painful…