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Get Your Finances Ready for 2020

Get a head start on your 2020 finances with Beacon Financial Education!

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Get Your Finances Ready for 2020

Categories: Finance,Money Tips

You must know that feeling of losing control over your finances, or – less dramatically – not exactly knowing where you stand financially. We admit it, we know that feeling all too well. Like you, we get caught up in our day-to-day activities, in work, in our families and friends, sports activities and hobbies. And no, sitting down and go over our finances is not always the most interesting chore.

But Autumn is here, the end of the year is nearing — including that tingling – somewhat unsettling – notion that it is time to check our budgets again, pull out those bank statements, pension plans and insurance papers and make sure we are still on the right track. It is time to stop procrastinating and get into action.

Our webinar “Get Your Finances Ready for 2020” is a reminder to take time to (re-)evaluate our financial situation, have a good look at our budgets, reassess our investment portfolios and check our retirement plans. So, this webinar is a win-win.

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Get Started Today

The webinars will take place in December, but we advise you to get a head start and lay some groundwork before then. Here are some pointers:

  • Take out your calendar and schedule 3 sessions (with your spouse or financial partner) and go over your finances before the end of the year
  • Go over your bank statements and budgets together. Where do you stand financially end of 2019? Has your financial situation improved or worsened this year? Can you identify the cause of these financial developments?
  • Don’t have a budget? Then set one up NOW which you can use in 2020. The internet is filled with examples. Let Google help you!
  • Write down your long-term financial goals and calculate how much money you should set aside each month to achieve them. Have you been able to do this in 2019?
  • Make a financial plan so you will be able to save enough money and realize your objectives. Where can you save money, what changes can you make in your spending to free up some (or more) money?
  • Sign up for one of the Beacon Financial Education webinars on Wednesday 4 or Wednesday 18 December and find out what else you can do to take control of your wealth and plan for your desired future!

We look forward to you joining us on either one of these dates! Make sure to sign up, as already half of “seats” are taken. If you cannot join, then sign up anyway, and we will send you the recording afterwards.

Beacon Financial Education does not provide financial, tax or legal advice. None of the information on this site should be considered financial, tax or legal advice. You should consult your financial, tax or legal advisers for information concerning your own specific tax/legal situation.