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Get your Finances Ready for 2019!

Make 2019 your year!

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Get your Finances Ready for 2019!

  • 20:30
  • Webinar

Earn more money, or save more money, often is a top New Year’s resolution on people’s lists. However, many postpone dealing with their financial situation until tax season and tend to procrastinate preparing for their desired future. Unfortunately, waiting until the last minute to try to utilize key tax-saving strategies does not usually work well, or they might not even be available at all.

December and January, however, are the perfect months to get your finances in order, assess where you can save some money (health insurance for example) and to reevaluate your investment portfolio and retirement schemes.

Especially when you have experienced or expect to experience a major life-altering event, such as recently having moved to another country – or planning to move away, marriage, divorce, a baby, having bought or planning to buy a house, or starting your own business!

We’ll be a happy to get you some tips to get started, to help you with improving your financial health and to provide you with a 2019 timeline that will help you to stay motivated and on track all year long.

Register for the webinar!


Doing your finances is more challenging as an expat, usually having to report taxes in more than one country (especially when you are an American or U.S. connected person) or having accumulated pension plans in several countries.

Topics in the Webinar

We will discuss the following topics, which will have an impact on your personal finances and preparing your taxes:

  • Offsetting tax liabilities with an investment portfolio
  • Preparing for marriage, divorce and children
  • Planning to buy a house (restriction of depreciation on real estate) or move elsewhere
  • Understanding multiple pensions and how they affect your taxes
  • Getting your finances and tax papers in order
  • Giving money to charity and tax deductions
  • 2019 Income limits for Roth IRA contributions and 401k/ IRA rollovers
  • Consequences of the U.S. tax reform on your 2018 taxes

and much more… our consultants are there to answer any questions you may have, during the Q&A afterwards.


First of all: they are Expats Too!

The Beacon Financial Education team consists of cross border professionals. We are away from home – just like you – and have lived in multiple countries ourselves, so we understand the financial concerns you have and the challenges you face when it comes to financial planning.

Our aim is to help those living abroad with their personal lifestyle planning and wealth management. Through hosting local seminars, informative articles in our bi-monthly newsletters and our tools & guides. And this Autumn we introduce a series of webinars to provide information and knowledge from the comfort of your own home.


Sign up here for their free webinar on 12 December at 08:30 pm.